The quality of any concrete is dependent on the use of good quality concrete components, mixing, delivery, placement, finishing and curing. Materials testing before, during and after the placement of concrete is required to confirm that the quality of the structure is maximised. Our team has extensive experience in developing test plans and providing quality assurance and quality control onsite during concrete pour and construction works. 

We can help in developing test programs to confirm the quality of concrete components, efficacy of the mix design and quality of the concrete placement to ensure that the durability outcomes of the design meet our client’s needs. 

Our services include: 

  • Concrete mix design. 
  • Mix design development and testing. 
  • Review of batch plant testing data. 
  • Onsite quality assurance and control of concrete delivery and placement. 
  • Quality assurance of all onsite samples and provision of defect reports. 

Call or email us to enquire about how we can help you on your next project.